Thursday 21 June 2012

Taking a break

Relaxing in Khao Yai
Hi my name is Shantini Iyngkaran and It has been nearly four and half months since my last post. And I feel terrible, of course that would be my opening line to bloggers anonymous if there were such a thing!

 No , I didn't forget about the blog or my readers , it was at the back of my mind everyday . I would think to myself that I needed to allocate time to write a new post.But that time never came. Now I sit here in the living room of my best friend's family home in Bangkok and finally have the "time" to write to you .
 Since starting Energia last october ,  it has been a whirl wind of a journey.  Running a business has been like being a participant in the Great Amazing Race for me. Except my finishing line isn't so tangible.It has  been adrenalin pumping with new challenges each day demanding creativity , endurance and leadership. The perks of this business is undescrible. As my best friend keeps reminding me . I'm helping people make a difference to their lives and what greater satisfaction can one get . It's almost admittedly addictive to be able to just give your time to help those especially where you know it's going to impact the most.
 However running on adrenalin is not good and I of all should know this . I ignored the first flags and by the end of May my body had enough and decided to slow me down ! I realised as I was telling one of clients that she should strongly consider taking a break ...that perhaps I needed to do the same too. 

We all get so caught up in this thing called life , running around , meeting deadlines , setting goals , trying to fit in , trying to find ourselves . We are constantly on the go go go ...but sometimes all we need to do is take a step back, get some perspective and a break .

 Think about it. Im sure you may answer affirmative to one or more of these questions. Do you wake up in the mornings still tired despite a good eight hours of sleep? Or wake with that uneasy and anxious feeling ?  Do you suffer from brain fog, feel demotivated and resort to food or alcohol for a pick me up ? Do you feel like its ground hog day everyday ? Find it hard to say no to a night out or dinner with friends when really you just want to go home and sleep? Do you feed your body with caffeine to keep you going all day ? Or struggle to sustain relationships because you just don't have the time?  Im sure I can continue on this question spree but I think you see what Im getting at .

The reality is ....that its not reality at all.  We got stuck somewhere between creating our lives  and living it and I personally haven't found such clarity than from taking a break . A proper one , disconnected from my perceived reality.

Although my break from my blog was unintentional , my break away from life was and as I leave Bangkok tomorrow to return to Melbourne ...I feel renergised , balanced and excited .  Spending time with my best friend, taking a road trip to the East of thailand , shopping , pampering it up with massages/ facials and of course I cant miss out on my work outs ..has done a world of good to me !

Facials @ S Spa

Keeping up the fitness

Chilling out 

 And has now inspired me to encourage you all to take a break  !Im not suggesting we all book a flight to Thailand but you can unplug anywhere ..

For those of you living in my home town Melbourne my favorite places to really disconnect have been

Mt Dandenong Ranges
Olinda ( The Candle Light Cottages are my favorite)

Healesville :Lyrebird Cottages ,another one on my top 5 Victorian get aways

or if you really need to get out , book a flight ..anywhere ! Maybe Pico Iyer might be able to reason with you as he explains why we travel ...

We travel, then, in search of both self and anonymity—and, of course, in finding the one we apprehend the other. Abroad, we are wonderfully free of caste and job and standing; we are, as Hazlitt puts it, just the “gentlemen in the parlour,” and people cannot put a name or tag to us. And precisely because we are clarified in this way, and freed of inessential labels, we have the opportunity to come into contact with more essential parts of ourselves (which may begin to explain why we may feel most alive when far from home).