Monday 31 October 2011

The Yoga mat, my playground and my battlefield

The only word that can currently describe my present state of being is BLISSED OUT ! No I am not high on LSD or any other source of recreational drug! I recently returned from a near month long journey to Ubud , Bali. Known as the island of spiritual and cultural abundance I wasn't  surprised to be constantly learning , changing and growing. 

I spent the majority of my time on a yoga mat! Hugged by the rice plantations , the Yoga barn was my new refuge for the those 3 and half weeks! Blessed with wise and creative teachers my practice evolved . I often heard the teachers saying the " Yoga mat is your playground" or "the yoga mat is your battlefield " !  At first I probably took both terms to literally :P but realised the beautiful metaphor behind those simple words. 

The mat was my place of exploration , fun , growth , stretching , challenges , struggle , acceptance , surrender and rest . In every class was a lesson. My biggest lesson ...was dealing with struggle! 

There is a term used on the mat .. the edge ..When you re on the edge - not literally at the edge of mat but at the edge of crumbling pain, while you re holding that downward dog pose , or balancing one leg as you extend the other..when the pain deepens .. what do you do ?  Do stare at others around you ? Do you create a story ? Do you space out or do you simply abandon yourself ? 

I realised on the mat like in life .. there will always be struggle , but with every changing pose , the struggle will pass. And the last thing I want do which is the first thing I normally is abandon myself ! 

As I stood in Warrior Two pose , I discovered my battlefield , I played out my struggle and came out of it peacefully. As I slowly practiced this idea of a playground and battlefield..I found my Asanas ( posers) stronger but gentle , I felt the flow within me present than ever .. and was finally being the flow not going with it! I only got a taster of what I should be doing on a regular basis! So the practice will continue... they say Its not about doing yoga but being in Yoga! 

The next time you face a challenge or in a place of struggle ask yourself what do you do and tell yourself it will pass. 

For those of you who I already do a little bit of yoga with you , I cant wait to share with you all the wisdom that has  been so authentically shared with me! and for everyone else I can only wish that you find your mat and explore ! 

Namaste & Big love