Friday 27 January 2012

Obstacle # 4 : Injury

It has happened to the best of us .. well really to all of us at some point ! Over exercising, poor technique, even the lack of basic coordination and we find ourselves with an acutely demotivating injury. It throws a spanner into the works, messes up your weight loss or fitness development routine and mostly changes your attitude !

Call me out if I'm wrong here but it usually starts with a bit of disappointment when you realise your injury will be an impediment, especially when you have just gotten into your groove and started to see results. You prep yourself and tell yourself it's okay, just a bit of rest and time and you'll be back hammering the pavements or punching those focus pads. Then perhaps a couple of weeks pass and the frustration sets in, recovery is taking longer than anticipated....perhaps that little 10km ( light jog) you snuck in may have set you back a good week! You let go bit on the nutrition and start to get comfortable in the semi sedentary nature of this situation! By this time - your attitude has shifted from I can adapt to this struggle to hmm I can get used to this exercise free zone just out of pure laziness and lack of endorphin rushes!

The funny thing with most of us  is when our life isn't going where we want it to be we overcompensate in some other area..and in my case and like many others I have sustained an injury.

My present Injury has been my motivation for this blog! Prior to Christmas my chronic bursitis flared up, after one unwanted and painful cortizone jab into my Bursa I was ready to sit back and let the healing process begin. I did the maths .. if my energy output was to decrease that means I needed to reduce my input.. so I need to keep my diet clean and low! The timing couldnt have been better with the festive season & holidays abroad not only was my routine out of whack but so was my motivation and self control.

I am realist, I know what I should do but sometimes I just dont and then I face the consequences. So I sit here now, joining the masses as they try to shed the "Jolly Weight"! Undeniably I should probably know better since I am a Personal Trainer and having been in this situation several times.I could have prevented this ... inspired by a few friends and clients who have been affected by an injury here are a few tips to keep the weight off and even lose it with an injury !

As your energy expenditure would be less than when you are fully active & injury free it only makes sense the amount of energy ( you input should reduce.For those conscious calorie counters aim to reduce your daily intake by 500-600 calories per day.

Aim for 6 small regular meals rather than 3 big meals, it will help regulate the blood sugar levels and curb those cravings in between meals.

Avoid low nutritional value foods such as refined sugars and carbohydrates, more lean protein and green vegetables are rich in nutritional value and lower in calories per quantity.

Most injuries rarely stop us from exercising completely. There are always alternatives. Of course depending on the severity and location of your injury, please consult your medical practitioner before you begin anything!

Generally for lower body injuries - cycling, boxing, deep water running & aerobics, even yoga are high intensity but low impact options.
For upper body injuries - the stationery bike if you have access to one or at a gym, jogging or brisk walks with hill repeats ( walking up a hill and back down repeatedly)

Of course weight training both body weight and resistance training will also help maintain muscle strength and should be incorporated to assist in the injury.

Remember by honouring your body and allowing the injured area to rest you will be back in action in no time. Like most struggles; injuries too are transient and  90% of the time will pass . It is easy to indulge in self pity and frustration . Life is full of hurdles but the sooner we realise that we can manage and adapt to them , the easier it will be to get through them!

Now that I have given you the fact sheet version of what to do. I want to go a little deeper! If many of you have a tendency to indulge in emotional eating , then you need to start changing your relationship with exercise. The most common way to incur an injury is by over exercising. If you are over exercising there generally is an eating issue behind it.  If you fall under this school of thought " I can eat whatever I want because I will burn it off" then you are misusing food and hurting your body!Present day lifestyles puts us more and more in situations of unhealthy indulgences but we always have a choice.

So if you have an injury or if this isnt the first time - start with WHY? and HOW? did I sustain this injury, be honest with yourself and work through the above tips!

Be creative , find your alternative and make friends with your injury !

Happy exercising !

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